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The Difficult Gate

Poems on the theme of birth and death. Chrysalis pamphet, 2004. 

Price: £6.00 - please request from with details of your delivery address. An invoice will be sent and the item will be despatched when payment has been received.  

You run, you fall, you forget, you die
You run, you fall, you forget, you die
You run, you fall, you forget, you die

You are not afraid of dying
but of being beautiful

You are not afraid of oblivion
but of being who you truly are

You are not afraid of falling
but of standing, alight, on the pinnacle of yourself

You are not afraid of running
but of taking the first, single, simple step

Unlock your right shoulder
Unleash your left leg

Who is it pours radiance into the
so long aching earth

but you yourself
in yourself